Mensa Anbau Casino Frankfurt Am Main

Adresse vom Restaurant Mensa Casino: Mensa Casino 60323 Frankfurt am Main Auf der Karte anzeigen. Die Daten stammen vom Google-Places-Dienst. Preliminary opening hours: Until further notice – Monday through Friday 9 am – 3 pm (warm meals 11:30 am – 2 pm); at the Mensa Anbau Casino Monday through Friday between 11 am – 3 pm (warm meals 11 am – 2 pm; no snacks). Studentenwerk will provide a small selection of sandwiches, baked goods, sweets and beverages there beginning at 9.

On this page, please find general information on protective measures at Goethe University and links to further information on corona prevention and health

Due the changed pandemic situation, the city of Frankfurt decreed througha change on 27 October 2020 to the general ruling that a mandate to wear amouth-and-nose covering also extends to public spaces outside of buildingsbeginning immediately. This also applies to the open spaces on GoetheUniversity's Westend Campus. Here, too, the wearing of a mouth-and-nose coveringis now mandatory for all persons on the premises.

Mensa Anbau Casino Frankfurt Am Main Map

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen whichgoes into effect on 1 December 2020, a mouth-and-nose covering must between worn intraffic areas, event rooms, meeting rooms and examination rooms at GoetheUniversity.

According to the state regulation, the obligation to wear mouth-and-nose protection in work areas existsuntil “fixed seating has been taken.' Below please find a practicalguideline for implementing the mouth-and-nose covering requirement in variouswork areas:

Libraries and warehouses:

If a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved, there is no requirement to wear a mouth-and nose covering

  • a. while carrying out work in sitting in offices orduring meetings (once a seat has been taken)
  • b. in counter areas that are equipped with a protectivetransparent barrier
  • c. in the warehouse areas
  • d. in the workshops
  • e. for employees who are alone in an office, even ifnot sitting.

Even if a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nose covering exists

  • a. when the employee leaves the work area (i.e., allareas named under 1.)
  • b. until employees have taken their seats at a meeting
  • c. when visiting another office / area (until taking aseat)
  • d. when the work area is also used by others as atraffic area, such as when sorting books in front of elevators

Laboratories and workshops:

  • Workspaces in laboratories are to be standardlyoccupied so that while taking the areas for moving about into consideration, theminimum distance of 1.5 metres (or 2.5 m for work spaces opposite each other)can be reliably observed. Employees may remove their mouth-and-nose coverings oncethey have reached their workspace.
  • Workspaces used by more than one employee (e.g.,certain devices, function rooms) can only be used in alternation without amouth-and-nose covering if their crossing pathways accommodate the minimumdistance of 1.5 metres.
  • The ongoing use of workspaces in which the minimumdistance cannot be ensured is not allowed even with a mouth-and-nose covering.The short-term use of workspaces (e.g. elevators) in which the minimum distancecannot be observed is possible with a mouth-and-nose covering.
  • All corridors are considered traffic areas in thecontext of the Corona Regulation on Restricting Contact and Operations and thewearing of a mouth-and-nose covering is required.
  • In individual cases, structural preconditions may existto integrate a corridor area into a workspace in such a way that paths do notcross (e.g., separated laboratory areas without through traffic, radiationprotection areas, S2 laboratory areas). This is to be ensured by technical measures(door locking systems), or signage and instructions. In such cases, themouth-and-nose covering may also be removed.


  • There is no requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering in single offices; the office qualifies as work area.
  • In offices with double occupancy, or where there istraffic with the public, there is a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering until taking a seat.

Statementof the coordination group for biological work substances of the DGUV (PDF)(German)

Furtherinformation (PDF) (German).

To reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the instructions of the Robert Koch Institute to prevent infection must be observed:

  • Hand hygiene (wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds),
  • Maintain distance (at least 2 metres),
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette (cough and sneeze into crook of arm).

You can find the 10 most important hygiene tips from the Federal Centre for Health Education here. Further instruction on hygiene and occupational safety can be found here (German).


The ban on gatherings (German) must also beobserved outside of university buildings. In public areas, a minimum distanceof 1.5 metres is to be maintained. Public activities that are conducive toendangering this distancing rule, such as celebrations, grilling or picnics,are prohibited on Goethe University campuses, regardless of the number ofpeople involved.

If distanceand hygiene rules are not followed, the respective representatives for domiciliaryrights in terms of the house rules (§3; 3) (German) are authorized to issue a ban onfurther access to the campus.

University buildings at the Westend, Bockenheim, Riedberg and Ginnheim locations are still closed to the public, but they may be used by university members under strict observance of the RKI standards. This applies to all buildings in which work is carried out that is indispensable for the organisation of teaching, research and administration. These buildings may be entered using card key locks or staffed main entrances. Access is regulated individually at each location (e.g., through existing closures, lists with the porters).

In-person events in university buildingsare carried out according to distance and hygiene concepts that are also to beobserved outside of the event rooms. If distance and hygiene regulations are notfollowed, the respective representatives for domiciliary rights in terms of the house rules (§ 3, 3) (German) are authorized to issue a ban on further access to thecampus.

Allcanteens will close beginning on 16 December 2020 and are expected to remainclosed until 15 January 2021. The Studentenwerk Frankfurt will go on Christmas breakstarting on 23 December 2020.

The café “Sturm& Drang”, operated by CampuService on the Westend Campus, will be closed from19 December 2020 through 10 January 2021.

Several university sport activities are meanwhile taking place again onsite at the Ginnheim sport campus. In particular, team and contact sports withup to 10 people are again possible. The swimming pool has also been reopened.The Zentrum für Hochschulsport (ZfH) (Centre for University Sports) alsocontinues to offer online sports classes. Information can be found here:, German.

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen forreducing the currently high number of coronavirus infections which goes intoeffect on 1 December, no additional events may be permitted in addition to the in-personevents and courses which have already been approved. This also applies toscientific meetings and conferences, which due to the likely interest bothdomestically and abroad and the travel this would entail could contribute to anincrease in the number of contacts and thus also to an increase in infections.Meetings and conferences can therefore only take place in digital form at thistime.

Regulations for examinations and internships may differin part. You can find them at the following links: examinations teaching (in German).

Pockettransmitters /headsets can no longer be loaned for use during the pandemic. It is notpossible to disinfect the microphones. At this time, only handheld microphonesmay be used. If you are planning a purchase from your own funds, you must firstcontact HRZ Medientechnik, as the transmitters have to be compatible with theinfrastructure in the room:

Mensa Anbau Casino Frankfurt Am Main Hotel

The university of the third age (U3L) offers a digital vent programme forthe Winter 2020/21 Semester beginning 2 November 2020. An overview of eventsand information on participation will be available beginning 2 September on theU3L website (German). Please also note the U3L information letter (German)regarding current availability of the business office. Please send an email to: if you have anyfurther questions.

Templates for creating hygiene concepts for different forms of in-person events
>> Coronavirus toolbox

The State of Hessen has set up a hotline for citizens' questions regarding coronavirus, Tel.: 0800/555-4666, Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 20:00.

  • © 2004-2021 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main