Is Online Gambling Illegal In Uae

  1. Not much can be done against the foreign-based online casinos and gambling platforms that accept players from Dubai and other parts of the UAE. Therefore, in practice, you might be able to access foreign-based online gambling platforms from Dubai.
  2. Betting Laws In The UAE It might come as a surprise that gambling and certain forms of sports betting are illegal in the UAE. Especially with Dubai being a host of the prestigious horse race, Dubai World Cup Night. Bookings from all over the world prepare wagers for different sports but cannot be actually enjoyed by people from the UAE.
  3. The prohibited content is defined as any content that offends against, is objectionable to, or is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, Islam morality or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable UAE law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement, as more specifically described in each of the Prohibited Content Categories below.
  4. An undercover police team posed as gamblers before raiding the unlicensed casino and arrested the defendants in what was described as the biggest illegal and secret online gambling den in Dubai.

Gambling, including online gambling, is illegal in the United Arab Emirates, according to Article 414 of the UAE Penal Code. Online Casinos in the United Arab Emirates As of May 2019, there are no online casino sites in UAE.

In some countries in the world, all forms of gambling are illegal while in others, restrictions to gambling apply only to certain types. The reasons why some countries opt to ban all or only specific gambling activities are numerous. However, it is possible to classify these countries into four main categories by way of the principal reason behind the banning of gambling. These categories are:

  1. Countries in which gambling is prohibited by religious law
  2. Countries in which gambling problem is a significant concern hence a ban deemed necessary
  3. Countries in which the regime in power has a monopoly over gambling
  4. Countries in which association with criminal elements have made gambling illegal

Weshall look at all four categories in the order given above.

Countries in Which Religious Law prohibits gambling

Countriesthat fall in this category tend to have Islam as the main religion.As a general rule, all forms of gambling are banned in all Islamiccountries. The premise to this outcome is the Quran, the principlereligious writ of the Muslim world. There are essentially threereferences in the Quran that specifically refer to Gambling. Allthree instances are parts of conversations between Mohammed and hisfollowers.

Inthe first instance, Mohammed is asked about his views regardingalcohol and gambling. The prophet asserts that despite beingperceived as beneficial by most, alcohol and gambling have sin thatis greater than their benefit. In the second instance, Mohammedcondemns gambling together with all forms of divination as ways ofrevering the forces of chance rather than reverence for God. Thethird instance, the prophet implies that gambling causes one to spendon chance, what one should use in meeting basic needs.

Itis upon these three teachings that the laws against engaging ingambling are founded. Let us look at some Islamic countries that havebanned all forms of gambling.

UnitedArab Emirates

Inthe UAE, all forms of gambling are declared illegal by the countriesarticle 414 of the penal code. The regulation prohibits all casinocard and table games and types of lottery gaming. It also prohibitsall betting on horse racing events, all sports betting, all slotmachine games and all other games involving chance.

Thelaw also applies to online gambling while within the territory of theEmirates. However, you would still be able to access online gamblingsites while within the UAE, which means you can gamble. The problemarises if you get caught as you will then be required to pay a heftyfine.

Justdon’t get caught engaging in the other forms of gambling such aspoker or other card game. If convicted, you might find yourselfserving a prison term of up to two years. In the UAE, the localsstrictly believe that all money a person earns should be throughhonest intent and effort. Not on chance as doing so is akin tocommitting an act of deceit.


Bruneiis yet another country in which anti-gambling laws are strictlyenforced. Islamic Sharia law, the governing law in the predominantlyMuslim nation, prohibits participation in all form of gambling. Theimplications are that while you are in this South Asian country:-

  • You cannot engage in any casino card games or table
  • You cannot wager on any sporting activity
  • You cannot buy lottery tickets
  • You cannot use slot machines
  • You cannot gamble online

Breakingany one of the numerous gambling restrictions will see you paying afine of up to $12,000 or serving a term of up to 7 months in prison.So if you find yourself in Brunei, avoid the urge to log onto yourfavourite gambling site the whole time you are there.


Asis the norm with most Muslim countries, all forms of gambling in thiscountry are illegal. However, despite the somewhat strict enforcementof gambling laws within significant cities, laws are lax in the wild,desolate landscapes away from urban areas. It is here that localshold the infamous Qatari camel races which are part of an age-oldtradition.

Whilein Qatar, feel free to attend these races but do remember that allsports betting is illegal in Qatar. If you get caught making wagers,you might end up serving a year in Qatari jail. Alternatively, stayin your hotel room and gamble online. That way you won’t get caughtgambling.

Countriesin which gambling problem is a significant concern

In countries where gambling problem is the main reason for banningall gambling activity, the governments in those countries usuallyexempt foreigners from the ban. In these countries, it is only thelocal civilian population who are affected by regulations targetinggambling. In most cases, gambling turns out to have been legal beforethe ban. Let us look at a few countries where gambling has beenbanned due to the social issue o f gambling problem.


Gamblingin Cambodia had been legal for a long time before a succeeding regimemade efforts to curb the social vice of gambling problem. The attemptto resolve the problem of gambling addiction led to the creation oflaws that prohibited Cambodians from engaging in all forms ofgambling. This law banned all types of card and table gambling games,slot machines, cockfighting, dogfighting and all kinds of sportsbetting.

However,the government has given licenses to 5 ticket lottery establishmentsbecause the lotteries make a net positive contribution to communityprojects in the country. If you plan on visiting Cambodia, then youshould note that gambling is allowed on casinos catering exclusivelyto tourists.

Is Online Gambling Illegal In Usa


Itmight come as a surprise, but Japan once had a severe gamblingproblem before restrictions were introduced to reign in gambling.Japanese laws against gambling banned all forms of gambling excepttraditional Pachinko.

Lately,amendments have been made to allow for the return of horse racing asa legal betting and sporting event. The government has also begungranting licenses to full-featured casinos catering exclusively totourists. As a tourist, you will have access to all manner ofgambling activity ranging from casino card and table games, slotmachines, video lottery betting terminals and pari-mutuel betting


Singaporeis yet another country that decided to enact laws to govern a nagginggambling problem problem. The country’s government passed the PrivateLottery Act which prohibits all forms of gambling within the countryexcept for a few government-operated lotteries.

Thereare only three gambling operators in Singapore. Other than thegambling activities provided by these three operators, all otherland-based gambling is illegal in Singapore.

Is Online Gambling Illegal In Uae

Countriesin which the regime in power has a monopoly over gambling

Insome countries, the ruling regimes might ban gambling so that thegovernment can establish a monopoly in the gambling industry. Theimmense revenue-generating ability of the gambling industry tends tobe the prime reason why a government desire for a gambling monopoly.Examples of such countries follow below.


NorthKoreans are explicitly banned from all forms of gambling. Hence nocard and table games, no slot machines, no lotteries, no sportsbetting or other types of betting for the ordinary Korean. However,gambling is allowed on government-operated tourist-centricestablishment found in the country’s capital. There is only onetourist casino in Pyongyang that caters to top government officialsand tourists.

Countriesin which association with criminal elements have made gamblingillegal


Gamblinghad been associated with several large criminal organizations withinthe country for some time. This situation prompted the succeedingregime to enact laws to restrict gambling to only four regions in theentire country. This approach enabled the government to set up strictmonitoring and control over these regions, hence curb all criminalactivity related to gambling. These regions are Altai Krai, KrasnodarKrai, Kaliningrad Oblast and Primorsky Krai. Gambling is illegal overthe rest of Russia.


Onlinegambling poses a significant challenge in many countries that declaregambling to be illegal. Why so? Because implementing such a ban wouldrequire substantial technology infrastructure in addition to anelaborate policy framework. It is also worth noting that Islam doesnot condemn participation in competitions and sports in which winningdepends on individual effort and skill. What Islam opposes is theplacing of wagers in-relation to such tournaments or sporting events.

Hong Kong is home to only four forms of legal gambling. Mahjong is one and operates under special exemptions from our gambling laws when certain conditions are met. Horse racing is what we are most known for and is practically a religion here. The same company that facilitates horse racing bets also has the government-granted monopoly on lottery, and football betting. Their website is extremely comprehensive and available in English at As everything you’d want to know and more about gambling in Hong Kong can be found from that site, in this article I will focus only on the laws.

Gambling Laws Explained

There are two legal documents that cover the bulk of our gambling law. These are the Betting Duty Ordinance Cap.108 (first passed in 2003 and was last amended in 2006) and the Gambling Ordinance Cap.148 (first passed in 1977 and last amended in 2006). While a lot of words to read, the law is very easy to understand.

Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) holds a government-granted monopoly on all gambling involving horse races, football matches, and lottery. Bets made through HKJC approved channels are legal. Mahjong is covered separately in the law and poker is a gray area (mostly considered illegal). All other forms of gambling are unlawful and carry the harsh penalties listed below.

Is Online Gambling Legal In Usa

First conviction: fine of $10000 AND up to 3-months imprisonment.

How To Report Illegal Gambling

Is Online Gambling Illegal In Uae

Second conviction: fine of $20000 AND up to 6-months imprisonment.

Third conviction: fine of $30000 AND up to 9-months imprisonment.

It is also important to note that due to the Gambling (Amendment) Ordinance of 2002 these laws fully apply to internet and telephone betting with foreign sources. At virtually all HKJC approved betting channels reminders are plastered all over informing players they can go to prison for up to 9-months if they use foreign bookmakers.

For reason Hong Kong is a global economic power, has extradition treaties with much of the world, and has extremely harsh penalties for gambling operators found in violation of HK law, most every foreign betting site blocks Hong Kong players from making deposits. There is however some offshore gambling sites (that while illegal) Hong Kong residents can use, but these are far and few between.

Mahjong Law

To help you better understand our mahjong law I need to first mention that Hong Kong was British colony from 1842-1997. Today we are one of two special administrative regions of China (Macau is the other). We have our own currency, unique history, passports, government and laws. In short we have not been subject to gambling law of Chinese Mainland for over 170 years. Back on topic here, the Colonial Government had banned all forms of gambling under the Gambling Ordinance of 1891. Cap.40 of 1931 allowed for limited forms of gambling and its 1950 rewrite expanded this to allow for licensed Mahjong Parlours.

From 1950-1976 Colonial Europeans issued licenses to approximately 140 Mahjong clubs. In 1977 this law was repealed. While no new clubs have been licensed since, those that held a license prior to 1977 are still allowed to operate legally. There are about 60 of these clubs left. They take 7.5% commission from player’s winnings and are fully legal under Section 22 of the Gambling Ordinance.

Is Online Gambling Illegal In Uae 2019

Modern Mahjong clubs are far more popular than the licensed ones and fall under Section 3 of the Gambling Ordinance. This allows social-occasion gambling on games involving dice, dominoes, mahjong or tin kau tiles, and playing cards only in licensed restaurants, premises licensed to sell liquor and clubs (as defined by 4-2 of the Clubs Safety of Premises Ordinance). To be legal: admission must not be charged to enter the premise and there must be no exclusive bank. It also must not be a trade of the business in any way. This means no promotion of the games, no employees playing the games, and no cut taken from the winnings.

Hong Kong Poker Law

Poker is a very popular in Hong Kong, both with Chinese players and expats. Until 2010, poker clubs operated out in the open feeling they held the same legal exemption as Mahjong. A series of police raids put an end to this. The Blue House was raided and shutdown in March 2010, a high-stakes game involving a Merrill Lynch director was raided in July 2010, and the famous PokerStars co-sponsored Hong Kong Poker House in August 2010.

Is Online Gambling Illegal In Uae Now

These raids sent poker underground. Today, it still exists but for reason being caught involves a 3-month prison sentence for a first offense it is difficult to get into the game without knowing someone. It’s worth noting gambling in Macau is a one-hour ferry ride away from Hong Kong and here poker and casino games are offered in HKD currency.

Is Gambling Legal In Dubai

Holders of a Hong Kong Identity Card, Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card or Re-entry Permit are allowed to enter Macau without even needing a passport. Macau tourism figures show this is a popular option. In 2012, Macau’s visitor arrivals from Hong Kong were 7,081,153, which is slightly than the total population of Hong Kong. This is because each visit is counted separate, and for some serious gamblers Macau is an every weekend trip.